Tips for storing and organising photographs

In this digital age in which we find ourselves, the number of photographs that we have on our hand held devices and computers is phenomenal. We rarely worry about the space they take up on these devices unless we get a message telling us that our storage is getting full. Online storage is now a good way to store these images and videos, and many are free to use without having a subscription.

The problems arise when we want to retrieve a particular photograph or group of photographs and we cannot find them. It is possible to search by date but if the images have been uploaded a long time after the event it may be hard to remember when the photographs were taken.

In days past people organised their photographs into albums so that they were in chronological order or in collections, for instance, holiday photographs, weddings and birthdays. Sorting photographs into albums can still be done either on the devices or when using online storage. It may take some time to do this as you will need to sort through the images and move them to the appropriate folders however some smartphones can identify people using facial recognition which could make the process simpler.